March 13, 2025


Head of Civil Engineering Department
Dr. Abdolreza Ataei

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Deputy of Research
Dr. Shervin Jamshidi

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Deputy of Education
Dr. Maryam Daei 

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Department of Civil Engineering (DoCE)

The Department of Civil Engineering (DoCE) at University of Isfahan (UI) was established in 2004 and started its activities in September 2006 by admitting 30 BSc students. As of September 2015, the number of undergraduate students in the Department has grown to more than 180 with more than 60 enrolled in MSc programmes, and more than 40 in PhD programmes. Currently, there are 16 full-time faculty members and 2 administrative assistants.In 2014, DoCE hosted the Second National Conference on New Materials and Structures. In 2016, it hosted the First International Conference and Exhibition on Trenchless Technology, and in 2017, it hosted the Second National Student Fluid Mechanics Competition.

BSc Programme :

The most basic programme offered by the DoCE is a 4-year long BSc programme in Civil Engineering. Civil engineering undergraduate programme is one of the higher education programmes that its goal is training skilled experts for design, construction and management of civil engineering projects. The average duration of this program is 4 years. Every semester lasts 16 complete weeks of education. Each theoretical course takes 16 hours, each laboratory course might take 32 or 48 hours, and each workshop takes 48 hours each semester. The total number of credits in this program is 140. A wide range of optional courses are made available to the undergraduate students through close relationship with other departments at the UI, including Departments of Transportation, Geology, Economics, Management, Physics, etc.and through collaboration with other nearby institutes.

MSc Programmes :

MSc programmes are presented in Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources and Construction Management. The programmes are designed to be accomplished within a period of 2 years. During the first year, MSc students are required to complete a major fraction of their coursework that includes 4 mandatory core courses in their specific major, as well as 4 optional courses of their choice. While completing the first year, the students are expected to align with a faculty member based on their mutual research interests and select their thesis supervisors. Subsequently, the students begin working on their individual research projects under the supervision of their research supervisors.

PhD Programmes :

The Department currently offers PhD programs in Structural Engineering as well as in Water Resources. The PhD programme consists of a 1-year coursework and a research project. PhD students are required to complete 5 courses in their relevant areas. Further, over the course of the first year, the students are required to keep in touch with the faculty members and find a research topic of their interest in accordance with the research interests of the faculty members. Upon completing their coursework, and successfully taking their comprehensive exam, the PhD candidates are expected to focus on their research projects during the rest of their study.

Research Areas

Research activities in the DoCE are centred around the following focus areas :

  • Coastal Engineering
  • Climate Change
  • Cold-Formed and Light-Weight Steel Structures
  • Composite Materials and Structures
  • Computational Mechanics
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Fluid-Structure Interaction
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Historical Structures
  • Hydroinformatics
  • Hydrometeorology
  • Micro- and Nano-Mechanics
  • Numerical Methods
  • Optimization Methods in Engineering
  • Seismic Dissipating Devices
  • Structural health monitoring
  • Structural Stability
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment
  • Water Resources Planning and Management

Facilities :

  • Computer Lab
for general use by undergraduate and graduate students
  • Structural Engineering Lab

mainly use for research purposes, this lab supports experimentally the students and faculties offering the modern systems available in its field such as: Data Acquisition Systems, Servo-Hydraulic Actuators, Servo-hydraulic Compression Testing Machine, Hydraulic Jacks, and Rigid Frames, etc.

  • Soil Mechanics Lab

used for educational, research and industrial purposes, for testing physical and mechanical properties, both in-situ and ex-situ, of various types of soils and rocks.

  • Construction Materials and Concrete Lab

measuring mechanical strength and other technical properties of various construction materials including concrete, brick, cement, gypsum, mortar, and aggregate.

  • Open Channel Hydraulics Lab

mainly for educational and research purposes, studying properties of open flow and hydraulic jump in channels, properties of flow in passing through sluice gate, and flow rate measurement by various types of weirs.

دانشگاه اصغهان

Address: Faculty of Civil Engineering & Transportation, University of Isfahan, Hezar Jerib Ave., Isfahan, Iran. 

Postal Code: 8174673441  
Tel: (+98)31-37935085
Fax: (+98)31-36699515
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