March 13, 2025


Head of Department
Dr. Ahmad Reza Jafarian Moghaddam

Email Address:
Deputy of Education
Dr. Meysam Jahangiri

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Personal Page address:
Deputy of Research
Dr. Nariman Nikoo

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The Department of Railway Engineering & and Transportation Planning


First established as a faculty at in 2007, the department of Transport Engineering of the University of Isfahan, and currently as a department joined with Civil Engineering and Surveying departments, the department of Transport is a reputed center for engineering studies and research in Central parts of Iran.

It offers over 12 years (since 2007) of sustained excellence in cutting-edge education, incorporating the latest developments in Transportation Planning and Engineering.

Also in the light of Railway transport experiencing a worldwide renaissance in offering substantial economic benefits, energy efficiency, and environmental and safety benefits and Railways widely viewed as a vital component of the integrated transportation system for sustainable societies of the future, there has been substantial demand for furthering the courses in railway engineering in Railway Control and Maintenance and Operations soon.


Transport has long been recognized as the basis for sustainable development across the world; and rail transport – amongst all other modes- has well been known as the mode capable of carrying bulks of goods and people in an energy efficient, green and environmentally friendly manner. Rail transport also is known as a catalyst behind economic viability of nations.
Railway engineering has potential to become an effective tool in further development of railways, including track design & construction and rolling stocks and fleets, maintenance and operational in most efficient ways, utilization of the existing infrastructure, safety promotion and initiation of railway transport strategies.

Given the importance of railway engineering and the intensive efforts made in Iran to provide education and training opportunities, the Iranian University of Science and Technology managed to establish the first Railway Engineering Faculty in Tehran in the year 1997. This was marked as the very first railways engineering faculty across the Middle East followed by the University of Isfahan that introduced the first ever transportation faculty across the nation allowing new admissions to the multi-disciplinary area of railway engineering.

Isfahan province hosted the first transport faculty because of her strategic and geographic location in the very center of Iran as well as enjoying a wide and comprehensive road and rail network coupled with prominent scientific talents and well-established and highly recognized state universities. Establishment of the Transport Faculty at the University of Isfahan was mainly based on a multi-lateral agreement made amongst the State (province) Government, the then Ministry of Road and Transport, Ministry of Science, Research and technology and the University of Isfahan in 2006.

Some of the key points and efforts which led to the establishment of the transport faculty follows:

  • March 2005 – The state government endorses the need to establish the transport faculty at the University of Isfahan. Amongst the main goals are the development and expansion of railway industry as a means of economic development and viability as well as a shift from traditional to modern and standard railway construction and management.
  • April 2005 – the University of Isfahan announced its agreement with the establishment of the Faculty of Transport.
  • March 2007 – Iranian Government Cabinet agrees on the preparation of a feasibility study on the need to the transport faculty at the University of Isfahan.
  • June 2007 – Council of Higher Education Development of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology officially puts its agreement stamp on the initial requests made for the establishment of the transport faculty.
  • June 2007 – the agreement of the Council of Higher Education Development for the admission of students at Bachelor’s level in the Rolling Stock and track engineering as well as Civil Engineering for the year 2007 onwards.
  • March 2009 – Ministerial agreement on the establishment of the Transport & Traffic Research Centre (TTRC) within the faculty of transport.
  • January 2010 – the order of the first advisor to the then Iranian President to the Minister of Road and Transport on the preparation of the financial means of the faculty of transport.
  • July 2011 - Council of Higher Education Development of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology officially puts its agreement stamp on the creation of the Transport & Traffic Research Centre with two main research groups being (1) Transport Infrastructure and (2) Transport &Traffic Management.
  • April 2015 - Council of Higher Education Development of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology officially agreed with the creation of a postgraduate course in Transportation Engineering within the faculty of transport.

The Faculty of Transport has initially started its activities with railway engineering (undergraduate program) followed by Transport Planning (post-graduate program) and in line with its goals and objectives as well as pursuing its transport, economic, social and environmental goals has pushed for inclusion of other related areas as a part of a 5-year program. The Faculty of Transport currently enjoys two departments and a research center as followings:

1. Department of Railway Engineering with undergraduate programs in the areas of Track and Rolling Stock; and postgraduate courses in Track and Rail Infrastructure.

2. Department of Transport Planning with Postgraduate programs in the areas of transportation Engineering and Transportation Planning.

3. Transport & Traffic Research Center (TTRC) with two research groups of Transport Infrastructure and Transport and Traffic Management and sustainable transport planned to suit the educational and research needs of the regional and local transport agencies and professional.

Merged with the departments of Civil Engineering and Surveying, the Faculty of transport has changed name to Faculty of Civil and Transportation Engineering since 2016.

Our Degrees:

Graduate degree of Transportation Engineering

Graduate degree of Railway Track Engineering

Graduate degree of Transportation Planning

Graduate degree of Railway Transportation Engineering

Bachelor’s degree in Railway Track & Structures Engineering

Bachelor’s degree in Railway Rolling stock (vehicle) Engineering

The programs stated above, focus on the many aspects known extremely important in

  • Transportation Engineering,
  • Highway Engineering
  • Railway Engineering– Track & Structures engineering and Rolling Stock Engineering.

The program contains courses from:

Mechanical engineering

Civil engineering

Electrical engineering.

The program starts with mandatory to technical and elective or optional subjects.

The students at both levels of undergraduate and postgraduate then are connected to industry to undertake real-world projects and work experience.

The programs are mainly based on classes, with lectures, assignments and exams, but also includes projects and individual studies.

All teachers are also active researchers and will include new research trends in their course content.

Many of the railway students finish their bachelor’s degree in industry, with a railway operator or a consultancy company.

The Department has successfully provided the ground for over 98 postgraduate students to successfully complete their MS degrees in Transportation planning and Highway Engineering

Currently, it is hosting a total of over 34 postgraduate students in Transportation, Highway and Railway Engineering.

The department has trained over 200 railways engineering students in undergraduate program so far.

Career Opportunities for Railway Engineering Graduates:
Career opportunities in the area of railway engineering is vast and diverse. This is mainly because such an industry encompasses both urban and non-urban railways and can open new inter-disciplinary windows of cooperation as well as operational/research areas, when combined with other technical areas like industrial, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering. Hence, following areas can define the potential activities in railways engineering:

1. Design and manufacture of various railway fleets and cars.

2. Design and manufacture of supporting technologies in railway engineering and infrastructure.

3. Railway traffic and fleet planning, control and management using various technological and system innovations

4. Maintenance and repairs of various railway systems and subsystems.

5. Quality and standards control and assurance on related technologies and products, fleet,…..

6. Signaling solutions /intelligent train control and monitoring systems.

7. Railway network planning and operation.

8. Commercial services such as safe loading, transport and unloading in various railway systems.

9. Marketing services and business divisions in passenger and cargo railways.

In the light of the stated activity areas, the railways engineering graduates may be entitled to occupy the following positions:

  • To cooperate and engage with consultants in planning, design and operation of urban and non-urban railway systems in both public and private sectors.
  • To cooperate with ministries of road and urban planning, national railway corporation, defense and other related disciplines.
  • To cooperate with scientific, educational and research institutions related to railway industries.
  • To cooperate with urban and sub-urban as well as regional and interstate railway corporations.
دانشگاه اصغهان

Address: Faculty of Civil Engineering & Transportation, University of Isfahan, Hezar Jerib Ave., Isfahan, Iran. 

Postal Code: 8174673441  
Tel: (+98)31-37935085
Fax: (+98)31-36699515
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