October 18, 2024

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

The geotechnical eng. lab was established in 2007 to provide service for the educational and research labs offered in BSc civil eng. and MSc Geotechnical eng. and also research projects supervised by the faculty members of the civil engineering department, university of Isfahan. The following is the list for some of the tests which may be conducted in the lab.

Soil physical properties

  • grading by sieve and hydrometer
  • bulk density
  • specific gravity
  • sand value
  • permeability (constant and falling head)
  • Atterberg limits (shrinkage, plastic and liquid)
  • Soil dispersion (pinhole test)
  • Soil compaction (dry density-moisture content relationship)


Soil mechanical lab. properties

  • Direct shear box (small 10 cm×10 cm and large 30 cm×30 cm size)
  • Triaxial shear strength (38 mm dia. Hoek cell)
  • California bearing ratio (CBR)
  • Unconfined compressive strength (UCS)
  • Compaction/swelling



Soil mechanical field properties

  • Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
  • Plate Loading Test (PLT)



Rock mechanical lab. properties

  • Crushing and impact value for aggregates
  • Triaxial shear strength (38 mm dia.) (UU, CU, CD)
  • Unconfined compressive strength (UCS)
  • Rock core sample preparation (coring, lapping)



Rock mechanical field properties

  • Point Load Index Test
  • Field shear box on saw cut and natural joints


دانشگاه اصغهان

Address: Faculty of Civil Engineering & Transportation, University of Isfahan, Hezar Jerib Ave., Isfahan, Iran. 

Postal Code: 8174673441  
E-mail: Civil@trn.ui.ac.ir
Tel: (+98)31-37935085
Fax: (+98)31-36699515
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